BROOKDALE Technical Services Ltd. - Providing Baan-related solutions to your organisation.

Customisation Services Interfaces Data Migration Baan Development Baan Reporting
Administration Training Courses Crystal Reports Safari Report Writer
Vast experience in Triton 2.2, 3.1 and all Baan IV & Baan V releases Assistance & training with your Crystal & Safari reporting activities

Customisations - Interfaces - Data Migration - Development work - Baan Reports - Administration - Crystal - Safari - Training

Brookdale Technical Services Limited is an independent provider of technical support and services in all matters relating to Baan ERP systems and can deliver all your Baan and Triton technical activity requirements, including integration with end-user reporting packages such as Crystal and Safari/UDMS.
BROOKDALE Technical Services Ltd. - Technical support, advice and development. With 13 years' experience working in the Baan arena - both throughout the UK and in Europe - including involvement in full life-cycle implementation projects, extensive experience in the industrial sector and formal training qualifications, Brookdale can benefit your organisation by providing guidance, advice, education and programming services.

Any Baan-related requirement can be addressed - from report writing through to interfaces and large development projects.
Here are some of the services offered:

About Services . . . . . . .
As Baan users, your staff will already be familiar with the function of Baan's standard display, maintain, processing and reporting sessions. With the day to day use of Baan and the specific requirements of your organisation, many people will have noticed functionality that they would prefer could be altered and others will have ideas as to how forms could be changed to suit their method of working to increase efficiency and productivity.

Brookdale can offer a full, client-specific, customisation service incorporating customisation tracking and patch management. Click
here for more information.
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Many organisations have dedicated systems that control specific areas of their business, such as goods receiving or production process control packages. The data gathered by these systems is often keyed in at source, processed and then duplicated in Baan.

Creating interfaces with Baan both to and from these systems saves immense time and eliminates errors in subsequent data transfer. Click
here for more details on how creating Baan interfaces can help your organisation.
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Data Migration
Transferring valuable data to or from legacy systems can be a time-consuming task and prone to error. Particularly when importing data into Baan, it is imperative to identify all target tables and fields that the data must populate.

Brookdale can handle your data migration issues to and from Baan using either Baan Exchange or by writing tailored development scripts. Click
here to learn more.
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Though Baan's functionality is comprehensive and covers all generic business areas, organisations often require specifically-designed and built sessions to enable either replication of the function of legacy systems or replacement and improvement of current methods.

New development can also encompass brand new functionality and can be integrated seemlessly into Baan. Visit the
development page to examine some of the advantages and options available.
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Baan / Triton Reports
With an ERP package such as Baan, data content is immense and holds all the information required to enable an organisation to operate efficiently, productively and cost-effectively. Retrieving that information quickly, easily and with clarity to all departments is crucial in the smooth running of a business. Baan's standard reports provide an excellent method of reporting, but are generic and have fixed query fields and layouts.

Brookdale offers a first-class report design and report writing service, tailored to retrieve the data you want in the format and layout that best suits your requirements. Click
here for more details on how tailor-made reports can vastly improve the day to day running of your business and communicate information to all levels of your organisation's personnel.
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The ability to control and manage your organisation's users, data access permissions, printers, Baan companies, software environments, databases and patch/solution installation is core to the secure and robust operation of Baan. As business requirements change and new devices / personnel / test platforms need to be catered for, so you need to ensure that the infrastructure is in place to be able to support and monitor the set-up.

Brookdale is vastly experienced in all Baan administrative issues and can help you to either create new, or optimise existing configurations. Click
here to view some examples of the administrative services offered.
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Having purchased Baan as your enterprise planning package, you will be aware that its maximum benefit can only be realised through effective, efficient utilisation by well-trained staff. This includes ensuring that your technical staff is able to maintain and manage your system. Brookdale can offer technical training in the whole Baan Tools arena - including system administration, database management, Product Maintenance & Control, customisation (sessions,scripts, menus, forms, reports etc.) , reporting and development work.

Training courses are designed to suit your exact needs and can be delivered on your site on either a one-to-one or classroom basis. Click
here for more details.
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Visit 'Business Objects' web site Increasingly, businesses are discovering the advantages of using third-party, graphically-driven reporting packages. Business Objects' Crystal Reports is an excellent example of this type of software.

Using Baan drivers, Crystal is able to access the database (all controlled via Baan's own security) directly to retrieve the data and to present the results in the desired format, along with company logos and photographs etc. if required.

Crystal can also access multiple databases simultaneously to retrieve data from various sources.

Read more about Crystal report design and writing, or click on the logo to visit the Crystal Decisions web site.
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Interactive Software's Safari/UDMS package is another example of the third-party reporting packages available. Safari builds its own data dictionary to mirror Baan, then accesses the database (again, using Baan security) to present data along with graphical images if required.

If your organisation is currently using Safari as its graphical reporting package, then Brookdale can assist you in offering a full report design, writing and training service.

To make an enquiry about Safari Reporting, contact Brookdale by e-mail or at the number below.
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About Brookdale . . . . . . .


Brookdale Technical Services Limited's registered office is located in Wolverhampton, West-Midlands, where remote work can be performed. On-site work is also carried out, however, across the whole of the UK and Ireland, as well as in overseas European locations.

Click on the globe for the full postal address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Where to find Brookdale....

Contact Details
Brookdale Technical Services Limited can be contaced by e-mail at '' or by telephone on 07976 125088.

Click on the 'E-Mail' icon to get in touch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-mail BROOKDALE!

This Web Site was last updated in February 2010.
Maintained by Andy Dodds - BROOKDALE Technical Services Ltd.

Brookdale Technical Services Ltd.
Registered in England No. 4477442
VAT No. 797 7759 34