BROOKDALE Home Customisation Services

"As Baan users, your staff will already be familiar with the function of Baan's standard display, maintain, processing and reporting sessions. With the day to day use of Baan and the specific requirements of your organisation, many people will have noticed functionality that they would prefer could be altered and others will have ideas as to how forms could be changed to suit their method of working to increase efficiency and productivity. Brookdale can offer a full, client-specific, customisation service incorporating customisation tracking and patch management."

Brookdale Technical Services Limited has many years' experience of taking standard Triton and Baan sessions and tailoring them to suit individual clients' specific requirements. Baan sessions are generally built to have one of four basic data-handling functions -


Any of these sessions can be altered in appearance or function, though of course some changes are more fundamental than others. Read more about session types and just some of the customisation options available:

(View Brookdale's Customisation Philosophy)

Display Sessions

Typical Baan Display Session

Above is shown a standard Baan Display session

Changing the way in which Baan's data is displayed is the simplest form of customisation, in that the only required changes are to the session forms, as long as the required data resides in the main table of the session.

Any other data can also be retrieved for display, however, by program script changes. This is particularly useful where it is desired to display, for instance, a description field held in another table, so that a second session doesn't have to be opened to view the remaining required data. Bringing data together so that it is visible on one form is a simple change to make yet can potentially increase productivity dramatically.
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Print Sessions

Baan Report Session with additional selection field

Print sessions, that generate Baan reports, are the method by which data can best be extracted from the database and displayed as per the user's parameters. Shown above is the form of a session that has been modified to focus the search for data by an effective date range. A change is also required in the way in which the session's program script selects the data - irrelevant data is filtered out of the search by date and reduces the time taken to retrieve the information. This example shows how a simple customisation can add greater relevance to output and reduce the amount of paperwork generated.

There is almost endless scope for altering standard report layouts - examples being moving the position of existing fields, adding new fields, summarising or detailing data and altering layouts to suit pre-printed stationery.

Much more complex changes can also be made to select alternative reports, to differentiate data between reports, to select data from other parts of the database or to generate output files that can be exported to such applications as Microsoft Excel.
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Maintain Sessions

Baan Maintain-type Session

Above is shown a standard Baan Maintain session.

Customisations made to these sessions can range from adding a display field to the form, to making a change to the session's main table. In the latter case, such an example might be adding a data field to the table and adding an input-type field to the form to allow maintenance of the data within it. This provides a method of storing unique data, perhaps relevant only to your organisation.

Links can also be added via the 'specific' menu to other, related sessions to enable easier navigation. This is applicable to all session types as it only requires form modifications.

Making changes to maintain type sessions is less common than other types of customisation, but can offer great flexibility and business-specific advantages, in allowing unique data fields to be maintained.
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Process Sessions

Baan Processing-type Session

Above is shown a standard Baan Process session.

Processing sessions are typically the most complex of Baan sessions - they update your database with processed data and ensure that integrity is maintained. For this reason, it is generally not advisable to customise Baan's standard functionality. However, where changes have been made to perhaps add new tables or fields, code can be added to ensure processing of the new data in line with standard database changes. This allows you to have customised data fields that are fully integrated with Baan's processing. Furthermore, where new development is taking place, creating new processing sessions offers an opportunity to make functionality much more dynamic - see the
Development page for more details on how new sessions can enhance your business.
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Brookdale has vast, proven experience in delivering customised solutions to all types of Baan sessions. The absolute cruciality in maintaining data integrity is recognised as being paramount and is of core consideration to any customisations delivered. Changes will not be made where it is envisaged that excessive levels of maintenance will be required by your organisation.

Brookdale will offer advice on the feasibility of proposals or specifications and can discuss options or alternatives if required.

Customisation Environment

Your organisation might already have suitable Package Combination and VRC Structures in place, but Brookdale can create new, or review your existing environments and optimise if required. Package Combinations and VRCs can be explained clearly and easily, whilst test and development environments can be set up to build and test your customisations. See the
Development page for an illustrated example of an effective VRC environment.

Change Control and Patch Management

All changes made to Baan software components are fully documented and controlled by Customisation Administration. Any changes to program code are marked in accordance with Baan's standard procedure and are easy to retrieve. Where applicable, Product Maintenance & Control (PMC) can be set up (and configured if not already set up for in-house solution preparation) to enable easy solution installation.

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