"Many organisations have dedicated systems that control specific areas of their business, such as goods receiving or
production process control packages. The data gathered by these systems is often keyed in at source, processed
and then duplicated in Baan. Creating interfaces with Baan both to and from these systems saves immense time and
eliminates errors in subsequent data transfer."
Creating an automated interface between Baan and legacy systems can be one of the most
beneficial time and labour-saving methods that can be employed.
Brookdale has immense experience of writing interfaces between Baan and other systems, both for incoming and
outgoing data. A full appraisal of your current systems and an assessment of your existing data flow
and transfer methods can be made in order to evaluate how you can best optimise your processes.
Below is shown a typical analysis of a company using Baan ERP as its central business system, but that also has
many satellite systems performing dedicated tasks. It is important to ascertain both the amount and complexity of
data being transferred, as well as the frequency of those transfers in order to develop an efficient and cost-effective interface strategy.
Data flow is shown both into and out of Baan and each computer link represents an area in which manual extraction or input is no longer required, saving valuable time and resource.
Interfaces can be created as batch programs to be run at selected times - perhaps
overnight or at week-ends, or as stand-alone sessions that can be manually activated as and when required.
Total flexibility enables data to be sent or retrieved from any location with a TCP/IP link to Baan. Data can be converted and validated during the interfacing process and a complete, comprehensive error reporting facility built in.
Contact Brookdale for an analysis of your systems and to discuss your specific requirements.